From the beginning of Propel Church, we have made it a priority to seek God first in prayer.
We do this collectively as a church in January and August through 21 Days of Prayer.
These two months are intentional, as they begin new seasons of the year. Together, we faithfully seek God first, trusting in His power alone to create a lasting impact in our lives, our church, and our world.
If you sense God has more for your life, 21 Days of Prayer is a great place to start believing Him for all that He has for you. As you practice seeking Him first, He will move on your behalf like never before.
You can find more details about how to participate in 21 Days of Prayer as well as resources to utilize during your prayer time below.
How to Participate
There are two different ways you can participate in 21 Days of Prayer this year. You can join a 21 day reading plan or a Right Now Media study. Below you will find six different options to choose from, three reading plans and three Right Now Media studies. Click on the buttons to learn more and choose the right option for you!

Join a Plan or Study
21 Day Reading Plans
The Bible App is a mobile app that allows you to access the Bible from your smartphone or tablet. There are hundreds of different reading plans focusing on various topics. Below are a few 21 day reading plans for you to choose from.
21 Days of Prayer w/ Darin Zook
Join us over the next 21 days as we earnestly pray with thanksgiving and experience God in a new, personal, and powerful way! Philippians 4:6 says "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation by prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your request to God."
21 Days of Prayer w/ Allie Pickett
One of the most vital ways you can serve your church is to join together in united prayer. In some of Jesus’ final moments before the cross, He prayed specifically for the believers who He was leaving behind, and those who would come in the future.
21 Days of Prayer w/ Jessica Flanders
We are excited about what God is doing and going to do in your life during the next three weeks. Our prayer os, God whatever You're doing, do it in us first! We believe prayer brings heaven's influence into earthly situations. Prayer is a key ingredient in navigating this journey with the hope and assurance of Jesus.
NOTE: If you are an Android user having issues joining a plan, please click the button below to send us an email, letting us know which leader's plan you would like to be added to.
right now media studies
Right Now Media is an online resource of video courses on various topics. If you prefer to watch or listen to content rather than read, choose one of the Right Now Media studies listed below.
The Lord's Prayer w/ April Smith
Many of us have memorized the Lord’s prayer. But what do the words mean? If this is the only prayer Jesus taught his followers to pray, it’s worth knowing what it is we are praying! In this 6 session study, Laurie Short will take you line by line through this prayer, to discover the meaning and power of each word. You’ll never pray this prayer the same again!
Pattern of Prayer w/ Tim Smith
Jesus’ disciples could’ve asked Him to teach them to walk on water. Instead, they said, ‘Teach us to pray.’ They recognised Jesus as the expert on prayer. They saw in His life how prayer gave Him peace and increased His influence, shaping His identity and purpose. In this six-part series, Ioannis Dekas explores Jesus’ response to their plea by walking us through the Lord’s Prayer: the practical, powerful grid we can lay over conversations with our Heavenly Father, so we too can learn to pray.
Unanswered Prayer w/ Cassandra Zook
Prayer Course II: Unanswered Prayer is an opportunity for groups to process pain and disappointment; to ask truthful and significant questions of faith; and to unite in the face of uncertainty towards healing and hope.Join 24-7 founder Pete Greig and BAFTA award-winning TV presenter Gemma Hunt as they journey through the final days of Jesus, asking some of the hardest and most personal questions we face as Christians.