Live at 9 & 10:30

Speaker: Pastor Nick Newman

Spill the Tea

We continue our Sleeping with Serpents series as Pastor Nick Newman talks about the serpent of gossip. This message was recorded live on October 22nd, 2023.

Double Minded

This week Pastor Nick continues in our Sleeping with Serpents series on living double-minded. Using Mark 8:34-38 he provides 4 points to overcome double-minded living. This message was recorded live on October 8th, 2023.

The Spirit of Mammon

This week Pastor Nick continues in our Sleeping with Serpents series with a powerful message on how the Spirit of Mammon (money) robs us from the power of God’s Word in our life, and how we can overcome the serpent of Mammon. This message was recorded live on October 1st, 2023.

What’s in Your Bed?

This week Pastor Nick kicks off the Sleeping with Serpents series with a powerful message on how God gives us the ability to turn from the sin that tempts us. This message was recorded live on September 24th, 2023.